“More you” is the catchphrase for the launch of the Windows 8 ad campaign, and it captures a trend that has been strengthening over the last year. The ability to speedily share aspects of our lives with friends and strangers through sites like Facebook, Circles, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram allows us to define and broadcast an image of ourselves that is intended for public consumption. Our start screen, our playlists and our choice of apps makes a strong and intentional statement about who we are and how we’d like to be perceived. Our uniqueness is cause for celebration.
The trend toward personalized medicine has similar roots. More and more, we are willing to share our DNA to allow a highly focused and personalized regimen of care for any illness or potential illness. Additionally, we can follow people’s progress through treatment regimens on blogs and web-based support groups. The more personal the information, the more unique, the better. Customization and self absorption are now available to all, and no longer a luxury for the few.
This emphasis on public self-expression will filter strongly into the A/E/C industry in 2013. Look for the following five trends to emerge:
- Clients will want designs that strengthen and define their identity.
- Clients will customize their design and construction teams.
- Builders will form alliances with designers to redefine their capabilities.
- Firms will self-publish on design-oriented websites to stay fresh and current.
- Design will become edgier and more innovative.
Learn more about these five emerging trends in Mark Reed’s post on the High-Profile blog.